The Forgotten Byway (CA)
The Forgotten Byway (CA)
Departure Time:
10-3pm (best chance to avoid animals)
Car Checklist:
Good tires, a tire patch kit, good brakes, fresh brake fluid, glass cleaner and a rag (bugs), and an emergency contact device such as a Garmin InReach
Dan’s Notes:
Just beyond Klamath Falls and Shasta lies a forgotten scenic byway known as the Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway. The byway as a whole is well known, but this particular section is an overgrown, poorly maintained, left over road that time has mostly forgotten until snowmobile season comes around.
The road is definitely a little rough at the start and that will throw a lot of people off. In this case, that’s good, because every time I’ve run this road I’ve had it entirely to myself and the rally participants. It’s a wild ride with closing in vegetation, potholes that need to be dodged, and tight hidden turns. Start yourself slowly, and if you’re in a group I recommend spacing each other apart by at least 2 minutes, or running in groups of 2 with the faster driver leading. This probably all sounds weird, but you’ll get it when you drive.
By all accounts, this road is dangerous and deceptively fast. Remember, this is a road, not a race track. That part is easy to forget mid-way through.
Route Hard Link: