The War Eagle

The War Eagle

Departure Time:

Any time works for this drive, but it would be great at sunrise or sunset if you have auxiliary lighting.

Car Checklist:

Some kind of satellite communication device (no cell service)

Good tires and a full size spare

A tire patch/plug kit

A hand saw, axe, or chainsaw

An extendable pry bar or tow strap (for removing the rare small boulder if necessary)


A full tank of fuel

A drone if you have it - you’ll get incredible footage here.

Dan’s Notes:

This route is rough, but not necessarily difficult, barely even requiring 4wd. While the many dips and sharp rocks do warrant a proper off-road tire, just about anything with proper tires should get you up to the top of War Eagle Mountain.

Taking notes from the drive over to Riggins, you’ll want to start with coffee and understand that you will be gone a while. While this is a short drive in distance, it’s also a slow drive due to boulders, narrow roads, and unforeseen delays. I used my axe and my saw to get to the top, so I always recommend you carry them, but this is a popular and relatively well maintained trail by hunters, offroaders, and snowmobiles in the winter.

The one thing I want to make sure people take note of on this drive is how rough this trail is; take it easy. There are THOUSANDS of ground squirrels counting on you an the potholes will break shocks if you’re not ready for them. A slow and steady pace will reward you with beautiful views and curious wildlife.

Also take note that the fire tower is a LIVED IN structure by the rangers. Holler for them as you arrive and let them know you came to visit. Bring cookies or something; show them we appreciate them!